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Pricing Information

As a firm of solicitors regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, we comply with their rules and make certain information available on this website.

The information specified by the rules provides indications and samples of how and what we charge for some types of work as well giving information about the qualifications and experience of the lawyers who would manage a client’s file, approximate timescales and so on.

This information has to be general as all cases are different and all clients’ circumstances are different. The information given on the pages that lead from this page are therefore a guide only to our fees. We are always happy to provide written estimates of the likely fees for a piece of work and indeed always do so when a client engages us.

Some work is charged according to how many hours of time is spent by our staff on a file. Each lawyer has an hourly charging rate for his or her time. This reflects the experience and seniority of the lawyer concerned as well as the type of work. Other work is suited to a more fixed fee approach where the work involved can be predicted more accurately in advance, subject to change however when a case turns out to be more complex than predicted.

Links to the areas of work that the Rules specify we must provide general information for, are listed on this page with a link for each giving details of typical fees as well as details of the lawyers who may work on your file.

Important notice: please read

Cyber-crime is on the increase and solicitor transactions can be hijacked by scammers. This commonly takes the form of email or phone interception.

Please be aware that we will never ask you to send money to a different bank account, particularly by email. If you receive a request for money from us, we advise that you call (using the number on our website) to verify our bank details before sending funds.

If you receive an email giving any other bank account please telephone us immediately without replying to the email or sending any money. We accept no responsibility if you transfer money to a bank account which is not ours.

Wards Solicitors