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Pop star makes Will from hospital bed – why forward planning is a much better idea

Pop star makes Will from hospital bed – why forward planning is a much better idea

When The Wanted singer, Max George, found himself in hospital awaiting heart surgery, he was so worried he started drafting a Will on his phone.

"I thought I was going to die," he said and concerned about his partner and wider family, began working out how his assets should be divided up if he didn’t survive.

Fortunately, all went well and the 36-year-old singer’s operation to fit a pacemaker was a success.

However, it illustrates not only how stressful it is to leave estate planning until you are in hospital but how much better it is to make a properly drafted Will long before you think you might need it.

By doing so, you have peace of mind knowing you have created a legally binding document that outlines exactly what will happen to your estate, and who will benefit from it, when you die.

How many UK adults have an up-to-date Will?

Research shows that, like Max George, it’s the type of life-admin many of us prefer to put off.

A survey by the Association of Lifetime Lawyers (formerly Solicitors for the Elderly) in March last year (2024), found that nearly half of UK adults haven’t made a Will and almost a third would ‘rather watch TV’ than work out their final wishes.

It also revealed:

  • A significant 48% of adults over 30 who don’t have a Will, say it’s on their ‘to do’ list. For 43%, it’s been on that ‘to do’ list for more than 12 months.
  • One in ten have started making a Will but haven’t finished it and 32% say they haven’t made a Will because they don’t know how to get started.

According to Kirsty Limacher, Chief Legal Officer of The Association of Lifetime Lawyers, these findings "could leave many bereaved families distressed if their loved ones haven’t communicated their wishes legally through a Will."

Why is it so important to make a Will?

Although many of us prefer not to think about our own demise, you can of course die at any age and it’s never too early to write your Will.

It’s time well spent, lessening the burden on your loved ones after your death and reducing the risk of disputes that can be costly in time and money to resolve.

Having an up-to-date and correctly drawn Will is crucial when it comes to carrying out your wishes when you die.  It can include everything from how you want your funeral arranged to making sure your favourite charity is remembered and, crucially, helps avoid difficulties and confusion for your relatives and friends.

It means you won’t leave your loved ones worrying about what you wanted, particularly at a time when they are grieving your loss.

A properly drawn up Will also gives you the chance to take wealth preservation steps to structure your affairs, not only to minimise your liability for inheritance tax, but to maximise tax relief too.

If you die without leaving a Will at all, your estate will be divided up strictly according to the rules of intestacy – without regard for your own plans and wishes.

Get in touch

Wards Solicitors wins high praise in the 2025 edition of the independent Legal 500 guide of outstanding legal professionals for its exceptional professional service standards and high levels of technical expertise.

It has also recently been named as Regional Law Firm of the Year by Bristol Law Society and our Wills, Probate and Mental Capacity team has also scooped the Devon and Somerset Law Society’s Private Client Team of the Year.

Our specialist Wills and Mental Capacity solicitors are all highly experienced. Most are members of the Association of Lifetime Lawyers and the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). Both organisations require the highest standards from its members with proven qualifications and experience.

To make or update your Will, please contact any member of our highly experienced Wills and Mental Capacity Team.

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