Being charged with a crime is a frightening and often bewildering experience but it is vital that you seek professional guidance as soon as possible from a specialist criminal defence lawyer who understands exactly how the law works and what you need to do.
Even if you believe you have done nothing wrong, it is crucial to talk to a criminal defence lawyer at the first opportunity to avoid potentially damaging your case.
Specialist legal representation and the careful construction of a ‘no-stone-unturned’ defence is essential to a successful outcome, right through from an initial interview under caution to a verdict and possible sentence.
Michael Gupwell and Maxine Twynam cover all areas of criminal defence, specialising in:
- Driving and Road Traffic offences – see separate section
- Theft and fraud related offences
- Violent offences
- Sexual offences
- Drug offences
- Public order offences
- Council prosecutions
We also provide criminal defence services for businesses.